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During this time of year as we head into a season of Holidays (Holy Days), we still have a lot to be thankful for.  Even though there is still a lot of tragedy in the world with terrorism, the attacks against the Eastern Christians and many natural disasters.  We are entering into a season of hope and expectation.  It is that hope that keeps us going:  hope for that new job, that new relationship, that new child, that new home, that new trip.  Whatever it may be, keep the hope alive.  Remember:  those who have hope live better and longer lives because they have something to strive toward.  Jesus gave us hope in the Resurrection, after all He is the first born of the dead.  His life was not easy, nor will ours be.  But with trust in God, they say “all things are possible.”  Believe it: hope.

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Nothing like -15° Below!

Keeping warm, keeping the pipes from freezing and keeping the sidewalks shoveled, nothing like -15°below zero.  I haven’t been in this kind of weather since I was a little girl in Alaska.  We knew how to bundle up and gave no thought to walking to school in the cold.  No closing schools for that kind of weather up there!  Of course, lately it has been much warmer in Alaska than in the “Lower 48”.  Still it is good to be in a warm studio, working on artwork and re-organizing.  When one is a “captive audience” because of the weather it makes you see what needs to be done in the studio.  Stay warm and create art!

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Here Comes the Big Snow!

…Or so they say again.  As you know this time of year is when I like to clean and re-organized my art studio.  It is the perfect time:  the holiday rush is over, the commissions have slowed down and if you are up north, you are possibly snowed in.    This way you will be ready to go when Spring finally gets here.