Our great God comes to us again this Christmas, humbled, as a little, helpless baby. Many through the ages have speculated why Jesus chose to be born in a lowly manger when indeed, He could have been born in the finest palace built by man. Some say it is because of the way inns were run in those days, you never knew who your roommates were going to be. It was common for strangers to share rooms and even beds! That was true even up to the 18th century. Others say that a quiet little stable out of the way was the best place for privacy and peace.
But I think that it was because since God created Nature, that was the only place for Him to be born. He wanted to be among His creation, not man’s creation. Merry Christmas and may God bless you!
This picture “Away in the Manger”, shows the peace and quite that only a stable can provide.